What is WordPress? WordPress is an online, Open Source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak; it is considered to be the most powerful, popular, user-friendly blogging and website content management system (CMS) in existence today. The fundamentals of WordPress were essentially built as a base platform for blogging more than typical CMS. But over time this has developed and has been modernised with thousands of plugins that make it more CMS-like. The Script as an Open Source is the number one choice for most bloggers, and impressively, over 26% of websites run successfully on WordPress.
WordPress does not require the complex knowledge and software skills in PHP or HTML for beginner users unlike its competitors Drupal, Joomla or Typo3. WordPress offers bonus benefits of a pre-installed plugin and template function which allows for easy installation and website management. Adding new pages, blog posts, files, documents, images, etc on a regular basis is quick and easy with this simple technology. Furthermore, it enables users to maximise content uploads, minimising valuable time spent on formatting.
Instant access
As WordPress is browser-based, you can access your login from any internet connected computer to manage your website.
Synergy with Search Engines
Adwords, keywords and choice words are all crucial elements to establish a specialised ranking status for sites on search engines. And WordPress has moved to the forefront of search engine optimisation (SEO) by means of its clear and concise coding. This enables search engines to read and index your site content with precision, and ultimately determine its ranking value. WordPress benefits a beginners’ site as the coding ensures a good ranking status which plays a key role in generating online traffic to your website.
Be wise, customise
WordPress acts as the engine for your website of which is 100% customizable. Individuality is your power play card in creatively establishing brand dominance and excellence in today’s online culture. As consumers today are neatly presented with an array of instant options to choose from when searching online, it is therefore imperative that you do your site creative justice with responsive design and layout that showcase your uniqueness. And WordPress is the perfect platform to achieve this.
Built –in blogs
As WordPress was originally created as a blogging platform, blogging capabilities are built-in and are easy to integrate, if desired. Setting up RSS / email blog subscriptions, commenting options and automated uploads to your various web pages is a matter of simplicity and efficacy. This little bonus feature helps to extend the reach of your brand or business making your site more dynamic and interactive.
Modification requires specialisation
It’s all fun and games during the embryonic stages of designing and building your website through WordPress with simple steps to follow and user friendly technology that the average Joe can get his head around. But as your brand or business grows, naturally, so should the intricacy of your website. Advanced WordPress users require knowledge of PHP for operations such as removing a data field, while graphics modification requires knowledge of CSS and HTML to create a unique look from the basic templates supplied. All this and more is second nature to a team of SEO gurus. They are well experienced working within the wild and wonderful world of WordPress and its possibilities, and they thrive on creating specialised, customised websites unique to each valued client.
Plugins and efficiency
For WordPress to compete with the likes of Joomla! Or Drupal, it requires plenty of plugins to be installed; and there are thousands. The catch here is that when it comes to selecting a plugin for a specific functionality, most of them have their clones. This means that any given functionality can be added by several different plugins created by different authors. This may lead to a time-consuming search for the right one, which requires some tech savvy street smart.
SQL queries
Queries can be complex since all additional non-standard fields that make WordPress a CMS, require additional syntax.
PHP Security
Unfortunately, the Script is not up to scratch in being protected as well as other applications. It all depends on the sensitivity of the additional content included in your website. This is where SEO management teams shimmer and shine. These experts are well equipped with the skills and knowledge to ensure that your content never compromises your security. If you are in need of online branding, website design, SEO, or online marketing services, contact the e-commerce experts at Simply Graphic.