Tick tock down the rabbit hole
I’ve been watching my curser flash repeatedly for minutes now, at a loss for words. Or possibly, ok truthfully, I’m just procrastinating writing this blog. When it comes to time management, my friends and family openly mock me about my lack thereof. So this Peter Pan is taking a stand to make some grown up life changes and get my A into G in making time work for me. Please hold; I need to do some strategy research.
Well that was a trip down memory lane but encouraging! I had a flashback of a past college class on management that I was forced to complete. I remember it being overwhelmingly detailed, with such an extensive array of sub headings on management that I had resorted to creating on my own crayon colour concoctions to summarize and highlight sections. So I went scratching through my dusty files in the hopes that I would find the strategy breakdown I was looking for. And then I found it; in what looked like a vomit colour coded highlight write up, was just what I needed to get started. And here it is.
Strategies that you can implement towards effective time planning:
1. A diary
Depending on your daily schedule, choose a diary size that will work best for you. No more writing on old receipts and sticky notes! You will be able to manage your time more efficiently with everything written down and readily accessible rather than scrambling for that memo you jotted down on that Burger King napkin. Use your diary to record important contact details, all appointments, events and action lists.
2. Action List
This is a concise breakdown of what needs to be done, with or by whom, and by when. My notes suggest updating this weekly. Carry over memos unchecked from your previous week and put these at the top of your current Monday week list.
3. Calendars and year planners
Use these as a summary of all upcoming events, assignments and appointments. Update this on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Don’t forget to put Granny’s 90th birthday in there!
4. Timetables
This is your path to action and serves as your personalized duty sheet. Outline your routine with specific responsibilities. Stick to it as well as you possibly can to establish a healthy, well balanced and structurally productive work ethic, day and week.
5. Checklists
Make a checklist against your action list to determine work finalized, overdue or coming up. Check off items and or incorporate a rating degree of need be. Physically marking off points may feel like small victories, but this little activity serves as a visual representation of your increasing productivity and is an encouraging incentive to keep going.
So there you have it! The proof is in the planning pie. My college back to basics tips on time management are simple and realistic and will surely help you get started towards managing your time more effectively.