The process of logo design
Apple, Coca Cola, Nike, Starbucks, Samsung. You can picture each respective logo as they are read. We all know what a great logo is. But what we all don’t know, is that to create a great logo isn’t easy and take considerable time, research and most importantly talent.
As a business owner, you want the best return on your investment and vision and this begins with a Logo that can carry your reputation and identify you in the market place. And the best way to ensure you get a great log is to empower yourself with knowledge.
Here are a few questions you need to ask before you embark upon the designing of your logo.
What are the qualities of a great logo?
Simple. A simple logo design allows for easy recognition. So ensure simple lines, few colours and basic images.
Memorable. An effective logo design should be memorable and this is achieved by having a simple yet appropriate logo.
Timeless and enduring. In 10 years you still want your logo to be relevant. Create a classic logo.
Versatile. An effective logo should be able to work across a variety of mediums and applications.
Appropriate. A great logo will effectively represent the values of its company.
What types of logos are there?
Word-marks or logotypes are a free-standing word or multi-letter abbreviation groupings comprising a logo.
Examples: eBay, IBM, CNN, Google and of course Simply Graphic.
Letter-form logos are a single letter.
Examples: Honda, Uber, Unilever, Beats and McDonald’s.
Pictorial logos are illustrated symbols of recognizable things.
Example: Starbucks, Twitter and Playboy.
Abstract logos don’t represent anything otherwise recognizable, like abstract art.
Example: Nike.
Which type of logo would best suit my company?
A logo design requires a skilled hand when being conceptualised and brought to life. A trained designer will need a company profile, would need to know how and where the logo will be applied and understand the target demographic of the organization. Usually, a designer will instinctively know which kind of logo would best represent the client’s company.
What are the best logo colours?
We instantly see red when someone says coca Cola. Colour is very important. The most important aspect of colour is that it should differentiate you from your competitors.
For more on the importance of colour please visit our blog on colour: Importance of Colour in Design
What fonts should I consider?
Fonts convey and inspire various emotions and preconceptions. There are thousands of fonts to choose from. Understanding the logic and phycology behind fonts is critical when choosing a font.
Should I design a logo myself or hire a graphic designer to do it?
Even if you think you’re a decent illustrator and or are on a tight budget, you leave designing your logo to a trained graphic designer. Your logo carries so much weight for your business reputation, interactions, market placement and future, that it is critical it be designed by a skilled graphic designer. They understand what a good logo is and how it needs to scale and function across different media and marketing channels, how the visuals will work on your website, within an app or on a billboard. These are key marketing concerns that shouldn’t be left to chance or guessed at.
But again, if the client has an understanding of what a logo entails, the transference of your vision to the graphic designer will be productive and constructive.
How best to communicate with a designer and what to watch out for please visit our blog at Success vs Disaster
Where should I display my logo?
Where shouldn’t you display it? Is a more relevant question…
It should be on-line on as many websites as possible an on your email signature. It should be on all social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Open company accounts for each. All company stationary should carry the logo and company branding.
The idea is for your logo to become a recognizable symbol and household brand. Just be aware that there are a few advertising spaces that may not be appropriate for your particular brand or logo. For example, an upmarket food store should not advertise on public garbage bins.
What are some mistakes to avoid?
The worst mistake would be investing time, money and effort into a logo that hasn’t been researched properly. And this means researching your competitors’ logos. It would be business suicide to have a logo that is similar to theirs as you will not be differentiated from them and their services. Your separate companies may even be considered the same company. This leads to either you or them riding on the other reputation, be it good or bad.
Another area to consider is in the finalizing and approval of the logo. Don’t just accept the printout, have a look at it on different platforms as the visual will change depending on the size of the screen (phone, tablet, laptop or PC), the type of printing paper or the gloss of the finish.
Is it too soon to worry about how my logo will look in 10 years?
Definitely not! You want your logo to be timeless and classic so it will carry your business through to the future. This does not mean it will not need tweaking, touch ups and subtle modifications along the way. In fact these are necessary to keep the logo fresh and relevant. The key is to get it right from the start and ensure your logo is versatile and changeable.
At Simply Graphic, we appreciate and respect the client who comes to us for our expertise prepared and armed with knowledge. It helps the design process by getting the essence of what is required quickly and cleanly. It also creates a stronger partnership between the client and the designer as they can speak the same language and understand the importance role of each element of the logo.