Make The Most Of Your Downtime
While the holidays are meant for relaxation and rejuvenation, you can also use this time to be productive.
Experiment with technology
In today’s world of technology, there is no time like the present to get you up to speed with the latest apps and gadgets. While catching some rays on the golden coast or sipping hot chocolate by the fire, spend some techno time exploring and experimenting with old apps and new ones. Develop the photographer in you by testing a camera app, and try using different filters and edits on instagram. Play around with pins on Pinterest creating inspiring boards for your upcoming home and business projects. And if you haven’t downloaded Snapchat and slack, swipe and sign for hours of entertainment!
Schedule those appointments
When last did you see the dentist? Have a full medical? Or take patch for that much needed parlour cut and blow dry? Use this time to get ahead with those niggling personal to do’s that are way over due.
Make plans for those future plans
How often have you found yourself scrambling at the last minute with vacation preparation, a big event or even a simple dinner date? Get organised in advanced by researching things to do on your upcoming trip, getting passports and travel docs in order and finalizing checklist points so that all you need to do is pack up and go at travel time. Plan your outfit for that upcoming business or private event, and consider gifts that may need buying or transport arrangements if it’s far from home. Make sure you diarise that dinner date so that when the time comes, you can plan around it.
Call your long distance family and friends
With so many communication channels available to us, we should all make an effort to touch base with the special people in our lives that live far and wide. FaceTime, Skype, phone calls and even a thoughtful handwritten letter to Granny goes a long way. Use this time to catch up with your loved ones, finding out what’s new in their lives, and filling them in on what’s been happening in yours.
Start building a habit
Whether your bucket list here is something health related like starting gym or simply learning new kitchen recipes, use this downtime to start. Forming habits and most importantly, sticking to them, are simple effective ways of ensuring that we live a well balanced, structured life within a routine that promotes positive self image and personal development. You may have a long list here, so choose something that is challenging, but also achievable while you are on vacation. Could it be learning a new language? Writing in a journal? Or training for a half marathon? Work on this daily during your downtime which will motivate you to work it into your routine when going back to work.