Get Productive About Being Productive

Whether you are a stay-at-home parent or the top floor director, the need and desire to be productive is universal. Although most of us would like to say that we stepped into 2017 fired up and well organised, most of us end up feeling overwhelmed and struggle to get back into our oiled up machine routine. Consider these pointers to help you getting back on track.

Invest in personal assistant apps

Personal assistant apps offer a variety of tools that enable you prioritise your schedule and sync your calendars, connect you to specific suppliers, respond to hands-free voice prompts and so much more! Browse around these top 5 free apps and download the one that works best for you; Operator, Charlie, Google Home, Amazon Echo, Julie Desk.

Make the most of your downtime

Finding a healthy balance between work and personal commitments today can be physically and emotionally exhausting. After all, that’s why we take those much needed long vacations and get-away weekends. So when you set aside your downtime, make the most of it by turning off (and leaving off) work phones and devices. Many of us feel guilty about being unreachable and not slotting in an hour (or a few) of business when we are on leave. As much as work needs you, you also need you! So prioritise yourself here and get the rest you need and deserve.

Use your commute

Consider public transport as a productive action in your day. Instead of frustratingly fighting your way through traffic driving to work, take the bus or train and use this time to reply to emails and plan your day ahead.

Avoid guilt

Simply put: feeling bad about being unproductive will only make you less productive. In fact, one in five people cite it as the reason why they don’t take breaks. Put those negative thoughts to bed and try to start each day with a positive outlook about being productive. And when that break bell rings, smile and wave.

Manage long term deadlines

As immediate responsibilities arise, it’s easy to lose focus on things like monthly and quarterly deadlines. Consider tools that will assist you on working through these systematically on a weekly basis so that by crunch time, all that’s left to do is tweak and turn them in.

Feeling inspired? I hope so! January is a month for optimism, adventure and boldness! And the team at simply graphic are with you every step of the way to keep you motivated.

The key thing to remember is that we are not superhuman or robots just yet. So high five yourself for actions accomplished, make an effort with things on your to do list, and the next time you get that sinking feeling that life is running away with you, say: “Actually, I’m pretty damn amazing!” Because you are.